As Women's History Month comes to a close, we celebrate the remarkable Steffi G. She's inspired our team so much, we've embraced her life motto and are trying her wellness favs STAT.
As you read Steffi's answers to all of our questions, we encourage you to reflect on your own responses and consider sharing them with us (we love learning from our beautiful, strong and wise community).

3 words that describe you best:
Resilient, Courageous, Positive
When do you feel the most beautiful, confident, and strong:
When I get to be in front of the camera, because I am reminded that our advocacy for inclusion has come so far that I get the opportunity to model for major brands, and that ignites a fire within me that I never felt before.
The strongest woman you know and why:
My mother, she raised me in the midst of the unknown. In my country (Colombia) there weren’t enough resources or knowledge about my disability, doctors told her I had 24hrs to live. But she took me home and raised me with all of the love she had, pushing me a little every day to outdo the previous day. My whole family raised me to be the strong woman I am today but that woman forgot about her life and dedicated herself to raising me and I could never thank her enough, I could never repay her for the confidence she instilled in me. Because of her, the word “can’t” does not exist in my vocabulary.
Morning person or night owl:
Night owl committed to becoming a morning person
Favorite Jade Leaf Matcha product:
Matcha + Green Tea
Favorite health & wellness product atm:
B12 because it gives me the morning energy I need!
How do you destress:
I have 3 “go-tos” depending on the level of distressing I need.
- Cuddle my dogs, my big German Shepherds lay on me and I instantly feel calm!
- Go near water, whether it’s a pool, a lake or the ocean. Just staring at water and listening to nature sounds brings me back to a totally calm state
- Long drives with Mr. husband and my favorite fast food (Chick-fil-A)
Life motto:
Small habits create beautiful change. Consistency beats talent. Courage and perseverance will take you far in life. Be genuinely happy with life, the goal isn’t for it to be perfect, the goal is to be happy!
Make-up staple:
Dior backstage foundation
Favorite social media platform:
Favorite song atm:
“where is the love”
If you could give your younger self advice it would be:
Know your worth, get rid of toxic people who don’t bring you joy. Focus on building a life you love coming home to. Speak up and demand respect, ask for the accommodations you need without feeling intimidated. All of you current troubles will be a faded memory in the long run, keep moving forward, keep paving the way.
Thank you Steffi, we have so matcha love for you! 💚